Identity 02
Edited by Nicola Cortese, Lauren Crocket and Stephanie Pahnis
Guest Editor: Senesios Frangos
Published 2018
Architecture at its best can be a thoroughbred racehorse, too often it is simply putting lipstick on a donkey.
Ok so what do we do about it? Keel over to the second coming of the international style? Accept that Australian vitality is dead and be content with documenting the designs of globe trotting starchitects? Whether we like it or not, even if we kick and scream and stamp our feet, it is up to this generation.
The identity of the city and the culture is in our hands.What is an Australian architect in 2018?
Has it changed from the 1980’s heyday of ‘Transition,’ & ‘The Halftime Club?’ Of course it has.
But has it progressed? Has it changed for the better? Is the discourse better? Is the architecture better?
Can architecture even represent an identity? How can we design codified form? The future of architecture is the future of our civic and cultural identity, the civic and cultural identity that we define as individuals living within it but are also the product of, with the responsibility of representing, the “real needs of the people”. Progress since the 80’s has included a raft of architects and thinkers who previously weren’t a part of the conversation, expanding the realms of the possible and the scope of opinions.
The cultural melting pot of Melbourne has increased in size and diversity and so has the architectural community. So if this the next frontier, what happens now? (Senesios Frangos)

Amy Evans
Caleb Lee
Daniel Lazarow
Dylan Findlay
Emily Davies
Eulalie Trinca
Fiona Plaisted
Fiona Robertson
George Mollett
Georgia Eade
Hanah Wexler
Helen Runting
Isabella Cohen
Jack Murray
Jessica Heald
Caleb Lee
Daniel Lazarow
Dylan Findlay
Emily Davies
Eulalie Trinca
Fiona Plaisted
Fiona Robertson
George Mollett
Georgia Eade
Hanah Wexler
Helen Runting
Isabella Cohen
Jack Murray
Jessica Heald
Julius Egan
Kim Halik
Laura Bailey
Laura Szyman
Liam Oxlade
Mark Raggatt
Michael Strack
Nina Tory-Henderson
Qixin Xie
Rob Hillman
Sacha Hickinbotham
Shakila Martin
Stefan Joksic
Temitope Adesina
Yuanbo Zhang
Kim Halik
Laura Bailey
Laura Szyman
Liam Oxlade
Mark Raggatt
Michael Strack
Nina Tory-Henderson
Qixin Xie
Rob Hillman
Sacha Hickinbotham
Shakila Martin
Stefan Joksic
Temitope Adesina
Yuanbo Zhang